Shit that goes Wrong/Bad Shit. Part 2.
I’ve updated the title of this series. Mostly because shit
doesn’t always go wrong, but sometimes bad shit just happens, - it’s a nuanced
distinction but one I think is necessary - and, partly because the distinction
gives me more crap/shit to waffle about. In my mind that’s always a good thing,
often to the abject sorrow of others.
So once again, just to keep people up to date, (a bit like a
“previously, on Shit that goes Wrong) this piece is about Shit that goes Wrong/Bad Shit, Meltdowns, and People who are Gas Tickets Altogether.
Shit that goes
Wrong/Bad Shit. The crux of this episode of Shit
that goes Wrong/Bad Shit was written in terms of absolute irony in order to
mitigate imaginative disgust overload!